The Canadian and Québec Horticultural Peat industry is proud to announce the publication of a new reference document on Sphagnum Farming. The objectives of the synthesis report are to review the knowledge acquired since the first Sphagnum Farming sites were established, to bring together the expertise developed over the years and to summarize all the concepts necessary to establish and operate a Sphagnum Farming site. Given the still limited experience with certain aspects of Sphagnum cultivation in Canada, some of the knowledge of the German teams is also presented.

The document first introduces basic concepts of Sphagnum Farming, including its probable benefits and the potential use of Sphagnum fibres. Also discussed are the different elements to consider when planning a Sphagnum Farming site. Field preparation including all aspects of basin development, such as irrigation system set-up and reintroduction of plant material are discussed. The maintenance and monitoring of the cultivation site are then presented, followed by the harvesting and conditioning of the Sphagnum fibers, and the various resources required. Finally, a summary of the key elements and useful references are presented.

The Sphagnum Farming in Canada report is an initiative of the Peat Cluster,  published in partnership with the Peatland Ecology Research Group (Université Laval), the VALORĒS Research Institute and the Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association. It was realized thanks to the financial participation of the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie du Québec,  and the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation.



The authors: Mélina Guêné-Nanchen (research professional at the Peatland Ecology Research Group, Université Laval) and Benoit St-Hilaire (operations coordinator of the peatlands, soils and sustainable development team, VALORĒS) have several years of experience in the design, implementation, maintenance and management of sphagnum moss growing structures.

The report is available at: Sphagnum Farming in Canada: State of Knowledge

(also available in French: Culture de sphaignes au Canada : état des connaissances )



About Sphagnum Farming: Sphagnum farming is defined as the sustainable production of undecomposed Sphagnum fiber biomass on a cyclic and renewable basis. Optimizing the production of Sphagnum biomass requires to control hydrological conditions, which is why it should be grown in irrigated basins. The potential objectives of the cultivation of Sphagnum include the development of new growing substrates, the production of floral moss and the supply of a source of Sphagnum that can be used for peatland restoration.